Weather in kilakarai
Kilakarai is aligned with a dry tropical climate with an average annual rainfall of 90 cm from North East monsoon during October to January. In early 90s, this area would get good rainfall, starting from October to the mid of December but these days rain starts from November and ends in December, rest of the months will be the hot summer. People would feel mere sultry in the month of April, may and June. Morning to evening the heavy sunlight would create enough heat over the landscape and in the evening a little breeze would help to overcome the heat. People will think twice to go out for work in the summer.
People likes to have tender-coconut, butter-milk and cool drinks to reduce their body temperature in summer.
Kilakarai people could bear the hot summer but not the rainy season, because during rainy season most of the street would be logged with drains, that cause many diseases for the people who walk in that drains. Many ditches and pits will be created and will not be taken care by the municipality members/ward councilors.
Keelakarai Weather forecast
you can check the climate of keelakarai by clicking here.