Monday, 25 March 2013

Khyrathul Jalalia Higher Secondary School kilakarai

Hyrathul Jalalia Higher Secondary school Keelakarai

 Khairathul Jalalia Higher secondary school is in kilakarai. This school has the standards from 1st to 12th. All the standards are of Tamil Medium. This school was started in the year 1981. This is a private school. This school has a big library which has abundant books. This school has a big play-ground where the students will play in their physical education period and also in their leisure time.The educational standard is moderate. Students in this schools are very brilliant and are scoring top marks in 10th and 12th Standard government examination.

In the websites this school is addressed in many different spellings.

1) Hyrathul Jalalia Higher secondary school

2) Khairathul Jalalia Higher secondary school

3) Khyrathul Jalalia Higher Secondary School 

4)    Hyrathun Jalalia Higher Secondary school

5)    Khyrathun Jalalia Higher Secondary school

Hyrathul Jalalia HSS Address

Ramanathapuram District, 
Pincode - 623517

Hyrathul Jalalia HSS Keelakarai.

Keelakarai and kilakarai, both are same.

Courier services in kilakarai

Courier offices in kilakarai/keelakarai

In kilakarai there are few courier services available. There are two to three courier agents has their offices in kilakarai/keelakarai. For few couriers main branch is located at Ramanathapuram.

Please find the list of courier services available in Kilakarai/keelakarai

ST Courier Service in kilakarai

ST courier is in keelakarai in the below address;

ST Courier Service (Keelakarai).
Shop #7/289, 
Sri Vallal Seethakkathi Salai, 
Ramanathapuram District
Pincode : 623517

Proprietor : Mr.Mohamed Srijajudeen

Contact Number : 04567 242847

Mobile: 9688350571, 9488542847

if you find this information is incorrect, kindly write to us We will try to correct it.