Makhdhoomia high school kilakarai
Makhdhoomia high school in
Kilakarai is a private management school. It is located in kilakarai, a place under ramanathapuram district of TamilNadu(India). This school has around 200 students and it has standards upto 10th. This school was started in the year 1974 with minimal strength of students. It is a co-education school and 99 % of the strength is from kilakarai and ramanathapuram. Each classes from 6th Standard to 10th Standard has two sections. Section-A is meant for Boys and Section-B is meant for Girls.
Many talented students are studying in this school, Students are scoring great marks with name and fame in Quiz competition, Eloquent Competition and various inter-school competitions
Staff Members in Makhdhoomia High School
4 Staffs are getting Government Pay
5 Staffs are Consolidated Pay
Approximately 10 Staffs as a Total
Facilities in Makhdhoomia High School
- Science Laboratory
- Students Library
- Playground
- Good Spacious Class Rooms
Recent Achievement by Students
In the state level Science Quiz competition at Coimbatore, Students of Makhdhoomia got the Fourth Prize.
Makhdhoomia High School Address
Makhdhoomia high school,
Kilakarai - 623 517
Makhdhoomia high school keelakarai
This schools is also spelled as Mahdhoomia high school.