Kilakarai Schools
Kilakarai has adequate number of schools, There is no specific school which has good name over other schools. All schools are having equal strengths and competing each other, which helps the student to remove the illiteracy by gaining knowledge and wisdom.
Top Schools in Kilakarai/keelakarai are listed as follows;
1) Hameediaya Matriculation Higher Secondary school, Kilakarai
2) Hameediaya Girls Higher Secondary School, kilakarai
3) Hameediaya Boys Higher Secondary School, kilakarai
4) Khairathul Jalaliya School
5) Islamiah Matriculation School
6) Dhenniya Matriculation Higher Secondary School
7) Makhdhoomia high school kilakarai
2) Hameediaya Girls Higher Secondary School, kilakarai
3) Hameediaya Boys Higher Secondary School, kilakarai
4) Khairathul Jalaliya School
5) Islamiah Matriculation School
7) Makhdhoomia high school kilakarai
Total Number of students in India
In India, as per the census 2013, The strength of students in government schools are more when compared to private schools.
Middle schools in India has the strength of 13,756
Higher secondary schools in India has the strength of 22,84,992
Secondary schools has the strength of 12,69,156
Total number of students in India is exactly 58,52,896
Kilkarai has more number of middle shools and higher secondary schools apart from this. please add that too here.
ReplyDeletei studied in 1st top school it is very good place to study there
Deletenothing to best school n only one girls school,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i like this girls school,,,,